Blue Olives
Stuffed and Marinated
From Erma Schuppert more than
30 years ago

Kraft stopped making their Roca Blue Cheese but I'm leaving the recipe in
because I'm trying to make something that tasts the same.

3 cans large/jumbo olives, black, pitted  
1 jar Kraft Roca Blue Cheese (in a little 5 oz. jar)
2 pkgs Good Seasons Italian Dressing.

Prepare dressing according to directions on the package and set aside.

With cheese at room temperature, spoon into a little sandwich size plastic baggie. Squeeze/press cheese down to one corner so you can squeeze it out like decorating a cake.  Cut a very very small corner out of the plastic baggie.

Drain the olives.

The corner you cut should be about 1/8th of in inch or smaller. If you want it larger you can cut it again but if it is too large you will have to transfer the cheese to another baggie. Twist the unused portion of the baggie around so you can easily squeeze out the cheese.

Put the cut corner into the hole in the olive and squeeze cheese into the hole, filling it. You’ll get the hang of it after a few tries. The first few may be messy so you can eat them and no one will know.

As the olives are filled with cheese, drop them into a jar. When you re through or the jar is full, add the Good Seasons Italian Dressing. Place in refrigerator and let them marinate for at least a day. (Testing them every few hours is OK.)

You may not need all the dressing but it’s good on salads too.

I’ve found that one jar of Kraft Roca Blue Cheese will go into three cans of large pitted olives.

Most groceries should have the Kraft Roca Blue but I know Nob Hill does.

Ask for Kraft cheese in little 5 oz. jars.