Kay’s Nachos

For two

½ lb. Hamburger

Taco seasoning

Tortilla chips, thick

Shredded cheddar cheese

Tomatoes, diced

Green onion, diced

Black olives, sliced

1 can of Rotel (Mexican Festival)

Velveeta cheese 16 oz.

Sour cream


Have sour cream in a squeeze bottle. Or, place in a sandwich baggie. When ready to use, cut a small piece off a corner of the baggie and squeeze out the sour cream.

Break up hamburger and fry it with the Taco Seasoning, following instructions on the seasoning package. Set aside.

In a small sauce pan, add 16 oz of Velveeta to o can of Rotel. Heat and mix well.

Preheat oven to 350º.

Layer a plate with chips. Sprinkle with cheddar cheese and place in oven to melt the cheese.

Remove from oven and sprinkle with Hamburger. Pour hot Velveeta/Rotel mixture over it. Sprinkle with diced tomatoes, onions, black olives and top with sour cream.

The Taco seasoning package will probably be for 1 lb. of hamburger so use half the package and half the water, if called for.